Monday, March 21, 2011

Mutterings of an Artist on the First Blog

Well --- First Blog---- Hooray!! Spent the whole day checking the wonderful blogs of fellow artist on my Linked In -  Manhattan Arts International. Opened my eyes to all the possibilities out there.  It is nice to have an outlet for communications with others when sequestered in my art studio.

I'm in the process of painting a series of woman's portraits - special woman who have contributed to our South Florida community.  They are all at various stages of completion - and I will need to start focusing on underwriting for the presentation event in the next weeks.


  1. Went to a SBD meeting yesterday - Excellent presentation by Lisa Sparks from ConstantContact - "Social Media- Marketing Made Simple". Gave me info and tools to use to "listen" to my clients/friends as well as how to provide the right information that clients would find useful.

    Now need to just find a way to invite my profile Friends over to my Artist/Business Page. Want to really explain the fun part of painting.

  2. Well, today created my first video, sent it to utube, Facebook, Twitter, and need to figure out how to send it here. My old Canon Powershot A570 is able to make videos!!

    The Women portrait project is coming along beautifully, and I took the video of all 4 paintings. They are almost finished - but being the perfectionist that I am, I will be working on them through the time I have all 12 done.
